Cellular Respiration and the Mighty Mitochondria | The Longevity Revolution

Explore how ATP is made in 3 steps of aerobic cellular respiration with the Amoeba Sisters! This also compares this process to photosynthesis and introduces ATP structure. Most importantly, learn why all of this matters to you! Come laugh and learn wit...

cellular, respiration, and, the, mighty, mitochondria

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Cellular Respiration and the Mighty Mitochondria

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Published by: WebTV | Date: 05/28/2015 | Views: 5
Explore how ATP is made in 3 steps of aerobic cellular respiration with the Amoeba Sisters! This also compares this process to photosynthesis and introduces ATP structure. Most importantly, learn why all of this matters to you! Come laugh and learn with the Amoeba Sisters! We always welcome comments, but we do have our comments on "approval" only. Criticism is fine, but this is an education channel. No bad language or discriminatory comments allowed. In other words, don't put anything here you wouldn't tell grandma. We Want to Connect with You! Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/AmoebaSisters Be our friend on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmoebaSisters Pin with us on Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/amoebasister­s Contact us at our website: www.AmoebaSisters.weebly.com

Channels: Mitochondria |

Tags: cellular | respiration | and | the | mighty | mitochondria |
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