Criminal Activity of Big Pharma - Just Part of Doing Business | The Longevity Revolution Criminal Activity of Big Pharma - Just Part of Doing Business I recently opened a big, fat letter. It via came via UPS and it's near Christmas, and it's from...

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Criminal Activity of Big Pharma - Just Part of Doing Business

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Published by: WebTV | Date: 06/15/2015 | Views: 3 Criminal Activity of Big Pharma - Just Part of Doing Business I recently opened a big, fat letter. It via came via UPS and it's near Christmas, and it's from Abbot, one of the major drug companies. So I thought it might something cool, like a sample of their latest antidepressant.—or maybe a pen. It was a chunk of Styrofoam. I can use this as a bobber for fishing. The only other thing, a letter. I'll paraphrase a little—'As you may be aware, Abbott recently entered into a global civil, criminal and administrative settlement with the United States and individual states in connection with the promotion of one of its products. Related to Depakote Abbott pleaded guilty to a criminal violation and they agreed to pay a fine and forfeiture amounts of $700,000,000. In addition they violated the false claims act and for this they agreed to pay another $800,000,000 to the Federal Government and state Medicaid programs.' Please leave a comment below this video and we will be sure to respond! If you find this information helpful, please "Share" it with your friends and family by clicking the "Share" button below this video. Also, if you could give this video a "Thumbs Up" we would really appreciate it! *CONSULTATIONS AVAILABLE OVER THE PHONE OR SKYPE - SEE BELOW* Want a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Gerhauser? Click here for more information: Get Dr. Gerhauser's Free E-Book "7 Steps To Natural Health": Google Search: Criminal Activity of Big Pharma - Just Part of Doing Business, drug companies, big pharma, prescription drugs

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