Health Care & Media Lies, Wake Up America 14 | The Longevity Revolution | Mobile

Health Care & Media Lies, Wake Up America 14 Can you really trust what the media reports about double blind placebo controlled clinical trials for medications and supplements? Has scientific objectivity been sold up the river to profit big corporations... [Mobile]

Mobile, health, care, &, media, lies, wake, up, america, 14

Health Care & Media Lies, Wake Up America 14

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Published by: WebTV
Date: 11/09/2015 | Views: 13

Health Care & Media Lies, Wake Up America 14 Can you really trust what the media reports about double blind placebo controlled clinical trials for medications and supplements? Has scientific objectivity been sold up the river to profit big corporations like big pharma and big food? What's really best for your health and wellness. Be My Friend Visit Radhia's Website at Visit Peter McCarthy's website Visit Texas Health Freedom Coalition Radhia Gleis is certified in Clinical Nutrition, C.C.N. She is also a Certified BioNutritional Analyst. Music by John Richter This video was produced by Psychetruth © Copyright 2009 AHI Productions. All Rights Reserved.

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Tags: health | care | & | media | lies | wake | up | america | 14 |
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