Multiple Sclerosis and Minding My Mitochondria- The Process of Myelin Regeneration | The Longevity Revolution

Describes how the healing process and retardation of progressive multiple sclerosis may occur. The process of how the destruction of myelin tissue causes the lack of function such as walking, standing, movement to not happen. The regeneration of myelin...

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Multiple Sclerosis and Minding My Mitochondria- The Process of Myelin Regeneration

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Published by: WebTV | Date: 05/28/2015 | Views: 4
Describes how the healing process and retardation of progressive multiple sclerosis may occur. The process of how the destruction of myelin tissue causes the lack of function such as walking, standing, movement to not happen. The regeneration of myelin nerve covering is a key to regaining form and function using functional electrical muscle stimulation and proper nutrition.

Channels: Mitochondria |

Tags: multiple | sclerosis | and | minding | my | mitochondria | the | process | of | myelin | regeneration |
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