The Longevity Revolution | Search (Overview) | Tag | 10

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  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 3
    To order the ebook visit this link: To order the paperback book + ebook visit this link: Shocking evidence proves there are inexpensive ...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/28/2015
    Views: 7
    To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world's Blue Zones, communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. In his talk, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry pas....
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/28/2015
    Views: 1
    Why do Nicoyan sabaneros embody so many longevity characteristics? Watch this video to find out how these Costa Rican cowboys live longer, better.
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/28/2015
    Views: 7
    Blue zones are regions on Earth where the local human population enjoys exceptionally long average life spans. Author and explorer Dan Buettner has studied these populations and the dietary and lifestyle elements they have in common. Buettner's latest....
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/28/2015
    Views: 2
    Why do people in Ikaria, Greece live longer than most other people in the world? Watch this video to discover the 8 major ingredients in the Ikarian recipe for longevity.
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