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  • By: WebTV
    Date: 11/20/2015
    Views: 40
    This Video is the first 13minutes of an Independent Documentary that I worked on in 2012. It has a great and informative subject matter and I urge you watch and then head to to learn more and purchase the full documentary. I comple...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 1 Welcome to an all new original series presented by experimental vaccines in which we will attempt to keep up with the mainstream media's current marketing campaig....
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 0
    As the return to school nears, public health and medical trade officials are demanding that state legislators enact “No Shots, No School, No Exceptions” vaccine laws. Learn more about your vaccine exemption rights and how to protect choice at www.NVIC....
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/28/2015
    Views: 4 Seaweed contamination with heavy metals and other chemicals? Dr. Brian Clement, of Hippocrates Health Institute explains how seaweed actually is very effective for heavy metal detox.
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/28/2015
    Views: 2
    Day to create awareness about Longevity Research on 1st of October (also International Day of older persons) and we’re celebrating Longevity Day this year on the first week of October i.e. 5th October, Sunday during 4:00 PM-8:00 PM (GMT+5:30).  So plea...
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