The Longevity Revolution | Search (Overview) | Tag | nutrition

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  • By: WebTV
    Date: 12/20/2015
    Views: 0
    Part 3 of this lecture picks up after an unfilmed introductory mention of Dick Gregory, African-American comedian turned health nut. Here is the missing material: Comedian Dick Gregory came to our college campus to speak against the Vietnam war. The ye...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 12/20/2015
    Views: 6
    There is a part missing at the end of this video segment, and here it is. With the possibility of better quality of life, the patient began taking vitamin C in high oral doses. Within days, he stopped coughing up the blood. If the C had done nothing el...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 12/20/2015
    Views: 5
    You can be your own doctor, and you need to. Live presentation with Andrew W. Saul ( presenting cases from his experience with persons whose illnesses were cured by nutritional therapy. Methods discussed include high doses of nia...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 11/01/2015
    Views: 10
    Dr. Andrew W. Saul has 35 years' experience in natural health education. Saul, formerly Assistant Editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, is Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. He was on the faculty of the State Univ....
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 1
    WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID FAST FOOD AT ALL COSTS Excellent lecture from former witch, sorcerer, mason, illuminati and now professing Christian minister Bill Schnobelen on the western medical conspiracy w...
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