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  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 3
    Measles, Vaccines, Antibodies and Big Pharma Money Did you know that the AMA strongly discourages ANY comments by Medical Professionals that cast any doubt on the efficacy of vaccines? Did you also know there are several studies that show vaccines as b...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 7
    The Cancer Industry's Big Lie (comic) - Cancer industry total fraud exposed: Nearly all 'scientific' studies fail to be replicated -
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 5
    06/19/2009 Alex talks with Dr. Neil Carman and Rae Nadler-Olenick, who argue against water fluoridation.
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 06/15/2015
    Views: 4
    Click The Link To Learn More - (instant download) - Scientifically proven alternative cure for cancer and virtually all diseases. More than 15,000 European doctors and health practitioners use this to heal millions of patient...
  • By: WebTV
    Date: 05/29/2015
    Views: 3
    This video made me sick to my stomach. Watch the power of the big pharma-companies. Their 'ethics'. Policy. Greed. Total lack of morals. And WE are the only ones who can do something about this. Awareness is the first step. Spread this around!!! Tell.....
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