Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Saul About Beta-Blockers | The Longevity Revolution

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/01/29/beta-blockers-death.aspx Natural health expert and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Andrew Saul about beta-blockers, drugs commonly used in the treatment of high blood p...

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Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Saul About Beta-Blockers

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Published by: WebTV | Date: 06/15/2015 | Views: 33
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/01/29/beta-blockers-death.aspx Natural health expert and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Andrew Saul about beta-blockers, drugs commonly used in the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Tags: dr | mercola | interviews | dr | saul | about | betablockers |
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