Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors (HBO) | The Longevity Revolution

Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars marketing drugs to doctors. We have a few issues with that. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.yo...

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors (HBO)

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Published by: WebTV | Date: 11/30/1999 | Views: 5

Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars marketing drugs to doctors. We have a few issues with that. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:

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Tags: last | week | tonight | with | john | oliver | marketing | to | doctors | (hbo) |
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